General Stuff

Restaurant Service

We all had to do a stint of at least one day at restaurant service in the training restaurant this week as part of our course module

I was in charge of the patissierie section , over 2 days, and got to teach some things to my helpers that they didnt know as they had never done restaurant service before. I had a blast and really enjoyed it.

On the first day we did a Lemon meringue pie with a raspberry couli and a white chocolate mousse with vanilla tuilles and cinnamon marscapone on the side.(go to the schoolwork link on the blogroll and have a look at the pictures)
The second day we did profiteroles with grande marnier pastry cream and white chocolate and orange ganache with orange blossom jelly and the second dessert we did was a hot pear, apple and ginger steam pudding with a caramel custard and roasted nectarine, here areĀ  the pictures of these last two desserts

profiterolespear and ginger steam pudding

By Tessa

Hi My name is Tessa . I am a chef based in Auckland New Zealand .