
Around the campfire = a bronze medal

This weekend was the regional competitions for the chefs schools

I was entered in the  Fruit Flan Competition, there were 9 of us in our team and in the actual competition itself there  were about 24 entries. there were about 15 medals given out, 3 silver and the rest were bronze. Our team of 9 took 7 medals , 3of those were the silver and the rest were bronze.

my flan won a bronze medal , thats two bronze medals for me now , I said to our school manager “Ive got  two bronzes now Im planning on an upgrade for the salon culinare in september” :o)

This was a sweet short vanilla pastry base with a lemon and passionfruit velvet pastry cream then topped with honeydew melon, nectarines, strawberries, melon balls, oranges, grape slivers, with a melon flame in the centre. it looked like a campfire.

here are some pictures, of the flan, my medal and a school group photo.

If you need to find out more about our school  “NSIA” check out the links page

We all worked so very hard and the school did very well with medals, I just loved being part of the team and all my training and hard work was worth it


General Stuff

Soups and sauces

This last week we have been doing assessments for school , we have made things like bechamel/parsley sauce, veloute/chasseur sauce, demiglaze/mushroom sauce, hollandaise, pesto,salsa, cream of celery soup, seafood chowder

I have also made a roasted nectarine and melon soup which was served chillied and tasted fabulous

Next week we start pastries woooooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhoooooooooooooooooo i seriously can not wait

**does a very happy dance**

soups and sauces

there is a link over in the blogroll if you cant see it here